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  1. Use of energy from the waste heat from the exhaust gases from the chimneys of engines and generators for evaporation of sea water, providing low operational cost;

  2. Proprietary vacuum technology system, providing low temperature operation with less fouling tendencies;

  3. Brazilian equipment with national parts and technical assistance, meeting customers' needs 24 h/d, with lower maintenance costs compared to imported equipment;

  4. Continuous and automatic operation of high reliability, simple and unattended, 24 h/d;

  5. Corrosion resistant materials with high durability;

  6. Excellent distilled water quality, with salinity of 2 ppm TDS;

  7. It does not need water pretreatment, making capital and operating costs cheaper;

  8. Skid-mounted system, compact, with facilities for opening for cleaning and inspection;

  9. Training at the assembly site or at the factory during initial pre-shipment tests;

  10. Complete operation and maintenance manuals, illustrated, in portuguese and english;

  11. Innovation recognized with patents Brazilian, American and European community;

  12. Operating experience of more than 10 years in offshore oil platforms.

Todas as destiladoras rev4 pós processad



Reverse osmosis

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The ocean is your source

Siliaris Desalination, brazilian company transforming sea water into drinking water.

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